We offer tried and tested Hypnotherapy and NLP techniques to help you to Stop Smoking Fast!
Most people have said many times “that’s it, no more cigarettes” and then ten minutes later another part says “I could do with a cigarette” and an internal argument begins. It is the unconscious that is driving that urge to smoke.
Smoking is not a natural behaviour. You had to learn to smoke. You have now got so good at it that it has become automatic, triggered off by for example that dozy feeling first thing in the morning, or having a cup of tea or coffee, having a break at work, feeling stressed, seeing a friend smoke, having a drink, and so on.
We offer a Free follow up session
We can usually make you stop smoking fast and offer you a free follow up session if you have any difficulties in the first week. This is how confident we are this process works.
People have fears about stopping smoking:
That it’s going to be really hard and stressful:
Did you know there are estimated to be 14 million ex-smokers in the UK, more than still smoke – if all these people can do it, how about you?
Cigarettes help me relax:
Tobacco is actually a stimulant, not a relaxant. Smoking causes stress (all those worries about health, money or just worrying about when you’re going to get your next cigarette)
I’ll put on weight:
People used to worry about this but now we have people coming to us to stop smoking in order to help with weight loss. It’s all about overall fitness to lose weight!
How can HPC Hypnotherapy help you to stop smoking?
With hypnosis and NLP we are breaking these associations and triggers which have been practiced every day for however many years you have smoked. By changing deep down how you think and feel about smoking, it is so much easier to stay a non smoker. We do this in many ways, maybe associating it with some disgusting food for example, or changing beliefs like “a cigarette will help me to relax” (it depends on the client’s motivation and needs) – and then accessing all the amazing things about being a non-smoker to generate that ‘feel-good’ factor
How do I stop smoking now?
Just suppose you can be ‘hard-wired ‘into being a non-smoker?
We can usually make you stop smoking fast and normally help you within a few sessions. Not to mention save a few quid into the bargain. Please note that results vary from person to person.
Contact us now to find out more:
Telephone: 0141 337 3327.
Help with Hypnotherapy to Stop Smoking
Using only tried and tested NLP and Hypnotherapy techniques, we can help you kick the habit in our relaxing clinic. Results vary from person to person. Please quote "STOP-SMOKING" in any correspondence.
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